Depression found to be common among arthritis patients

Individuals with arthritis may have more to worry about than simply joint pain. New research suggests that these individuals have a substantially elevated risk of suffering from depression, which increases the likelihood they will require a prescription to buy Paxil.

Individuals with arthritis may have more to worry about than simply joint pain. New research suggests that these individuals have a substantially elevated risk of suffering from depression, which increases the likelihood they will require a prescription to buy Paxil.

For the study, a team of researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed nearly 2,000 adults from across the country. The results, which were published in the journal Arthritis Care and Research, indicated that about one-third of all arthritis patients also suffered from anxiety, depression or both.

Anxiety disorder was the most common problem among arthritis patients. However, the vast majority of individuals who reported symptoms of depression also showed signs of anxiety, suggesting that the two conditions were present in many people.

The team wrote in their report that doctors should screen their arthritis patients for signs of anxiety or depression. The findings make it clear that these problems are common among people who suffer from joint pain. A proactive approach may enable more people to avoid mood disorders.