Depression impacts the lives of many Americans, report states

Depression is a much more prevalent problem in the U.S., compared to many other countries, according to new research organized by the World Health Organization.

Depression is a much more prevalent problem in the U.S., compared to many other countries, according to new research organized by the World Health Organization. The findings suggest that more Americans may need to buy Paxil to treat the condition.

Researchers from 20 public health agencies around the world interviewed more than 89,000 people for the study. The results showed that wealthier nations tended to have higher rates of depression than less developed countries.

In the U.S., more than 30 percent of the population had experienced at least one major depressive episode, which is generally characterized by sadness, feelings of guilt, loss of interest, low energy and other symptoms. For comparison, only 12 percent of individuals in China had experienced a major depressive episode.

The researchers said their findings provide an important window into some of the factors that may contribute to the development of depression. Understanding these issues could help medical professionals more accurately diagnose and effectively treat the condition in their patients. Buying medications like Paxil from Canadian and international pharmacies may help individuals cope with the problem.