Depression may be major cause of daytime fatigue

Millions of people experience fatigue and sleepiness during the day. New evidence indicates that this may be a symptom of obesity and depression. The findings suggest that many people may benefit from a prescription to buy Paxil.

Millions of people experience fatigue and sleepiness during the day. New evidence indicates that this may be a symptom of obesity and depression. The findings suggest that many people may benefit from a prescription to buy Paxil.

For the study, researchers asked 222 participants to complete periodic surveys over a seven-year period. The surveys asked individuals whether they experienced excessive daytime sleepiness, if they had gained weight and whether they had any symptoms commonly associated with depression.

The results showed that weight gain was the strongest predictor of excessive daytime sleepiness. Depressive symptoms also tracked closely to fatigue. This led the team to conclude that treatments to counter weight gain and excessive stress could help millions of people overcome daytime sleepiness.

"The 'epidemic' of sleepiness parallels an 'epidemic' of obesity and psychosocial stress," said lead researcher  Alexandros Vgontzas. "Weight loss, depression and sleep disorders should be our priorities in terms of preventing the medical complications and public safety hazards associated with this excessive sleepiness."

Results from the study also linked poor sleep quality at night and obstructive sleep apnea to daytime fatigue.