Depression may worsen based on the daily intake for Effexor users

It's a well-known fact that daily nutritious intake is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and this may be even more imperative for Effexor users.

It's a well-known fact that daily nutritious intake is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and this may be even more imperative for Effexor users. This was further supported after researchers from the University of Eastern Finland conducted several studies that looked at specific aspects of daily food intake and associations with the risk of depression in patients.

Caffeine and depression
Specifically, professionals looked at the relationship (if any) between drinking coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages and a risk of depression. Using the population-based Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study, which was conducted between 1984 and 1989 and tracked until 2006, researchers were able to study potential links.

Of the 2,232 middle-aged men who were observed, 49 were diagnosed with depression. Although there was no relationship found between tea and other beverage drinkers and feeling blue, that was not the case when it came to coffee. In fact, those who drank moderate to heavy amounts of it were less likely to suffer from depression. However, the reasoning behind this was not clear.

Diet and depression
Another investigation by the university looked at links between diet and depression. A "healthy" diet was defined as one in which vegetables, fruits, berries, whole grains, poultry, fish and low?-fat dairy products were consumed. In many of these foods, folate and vitamin B12 are present - both of which are required to stay healthy.

Over the course of 13 to 20 years, researchers followed up with participants of this study to examine their dietary patterns. Additionally, symptoms of depression were monitored over this period of time. Based on what was observed, the health care professionals found that an increased intake of folate and an overall healthy diet helped to decrease one's risk of depression. Although diet alone cannot prevent a diagnosis of depression, it may help to reduce symptoms associated with the condition.

Sugar and depression
Based on other findings by these doctors, intake of unhealthy items - such as those high in sugar content - did not appear to increase the risk of depression in patients. However, it was found that depressive symptoms were worse in those who maintained fatty diets. In addition to sugary foods, processed meats and "junk" foods were also seen to have a negative impact. This information was collected from a study that was conducted by looking at more than 2,000 middle-aged and older males. Dietary patterns were followed over the course of a 13-year period using questionnaires.

Based on all of the information that was collected by researchers from the University of Eastern Finland, patients who are taking Effexor can use their diets as a source for preventing future depressive episodes.