Depression sufferers have higher stroke risk

Individuals who suffer from depression often think they can push through the problem on their own without any help from doctors or a prescription to buy Paxil.

Individuals who suffer from depression often think they can push through the problem on their own without any help from doctors or a prescription to buy Paxil. However, experts say the mood disorder may be connected to a range of health problems and may require prompt treatment.

For example, a team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health recently showed that individuals who suffer from depression have a much higher risk of experiencing and subsequently dying from a stroke.

Depression sufferers were found to be 45 percent more likely to experience a stroke and 55 percent more likely to be killed by a stroke.

Given the high prevalence of depression in the general population, the investigators said their findings show that many more people may be at risk for strokes than previously thought.

"The observed association between depression and stroke has clinical and public health importance," the team wrote in their report. "Stroke is a leading cause of death and permanent disability, with significant economic losses due to functional impairments."