Diet, supplements, exercise may reduce chance of bone fractures

Individuals who buy Actonel to treat their osteoporosis could augment their strategy with very simple actions.

Individuals who buy Actonel to treat their osteoporosis could augment their strategy with very simple actions.

According to government statistics, one out of every five American women over the age of 50 has osteoporosis, which is a gradual thinning of bone mass and density.

"Science is showing us that everything our mothers told us is true," says Marian Hannan of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. She advises seniors to eat three meals a day and make sure they get plenty of protein. The hospital describes Hannan as a "leading researcher" in nutrition's impact on bone health.

The expert recommends 80 grams of protein a day, and cites a study from the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research showing that a high consumption of vitamin C can reduce the risk of bone fractures by 50 percent.

Calcium and vitamin D, which Hannan calls the "first line of defense" for broken bones, are also vital to overall bone health. 1,200 mgs of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D a day are recommended. Virtually any form of exercise, including walking, also helps bones stay intact. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that adults with osteoporosis should exercise for 30 minutes a day.