Dietary improvements may help many people avoid heart disease

Many people are forced to buy Plavix to reduce their risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke, but new research underscores the degree to which simply eating a healthier diet may prevent these types of cardiovascular problems.

Many people are forced to buy Plavix to reduce their risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke, but new research underscores the degree to which simply eating a healthier diet may prevent these types of cardiovascular problems.

A team of investigators from the British Health Foundation's Health Research Group analyzed the diets of individuals living in England and compared them to food eaten by people in the other countries of the UK - Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Individuals in these countries are known to have much higher rates of heart attack and stroke, compared to those in England.

The results showed that participants from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland tended to eat more saturated fat and sodium while consuming fewer fruits and vegetables. This type of diet can have a severe impact on health, as the researchers calculated that unhealthy eating in these countries leads to at least 4,000 preventable deaths each year.

The team said that implementing a "fat tax" in these countries while subsidizing healthier fruits and vegetables may be one way to encourage people to eat a more nutritious diet and reduce their risk of developing heart disease.