Different heartburn medications have varied effectiveness

Certain medications may work well on one patient, but come up short providing results for another.

Certain medications may work well on one patient, but come up short providing results for another. In these instances, seeking out the most suitable medication can save money and avoid having to fill multiple prescriptions. While an online pharmacy may help keep healthcarecosts in check, doctors should strive to prescribe the most potent pills to applicable patients on the first try to further cub expenditures.

Especially for diseases that people may try to self-medicate for, such as allergies or heartburn, sometimes the best solution is a prescription. Alternately, sometimes over-the-counter (OTC) medications will do the trick. Even these can be less expensive through an online pharmacy, but clinicians should still strive to get the best possible outcome with the least amount of drugs.

Increased heartburn conflicts
A study in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics wrote that various over-the-counter medicines had differingimpacts on heartburn suppression and treatment. The two classes in question, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs), were tested in a group of heartburn patients to see what medications had the best impact on overall symptoms. Conducted at the University of Oklahoma, patients were given one of six medication schedules, yet the results showed that responses were better overall with PPIs.

The source stated that suppression and relief were better in the first 24 hours of taking PPIs, as compared to H2RAs, meaning pills like Nexium, a popular PPI prescription medication, may be well-suited for patients not getting enough relief from OTC versions. The overall level of acid reduction for PPIs was much better than H2RAs, the study showed, and patients expressed more comfort and long-term relief when given PPIs as opposed to other kinds of treatments.

Clinicians are still warned not to over-prescribe PPI medications, especially in institutionalized patients, according to Pharmacist's Letter. The publication stated that a majority of hospitalized heartburn sufferers receive PPI prescriptions, but that these can lead to increased instances of other gastrointestinal discomfort. However, as an outpatient suppressant, Nexium and other PPIs are generally viewed as beneficial acid control medications, the source stated. While stress can lead to more stomach upset and acid production, OTC pills may be enough to take care of temporary symptoms, whereas Nexium may be more appropriate for chronic conditions.