Doctors develop new method for testing for osteoarthritis

Differentiating between the aches and pains of everyday life and the discomfort associated with osteoarthritis can be difficult for physicians.

Differentiating between the aches and pains of everyday life and the discomfort associated with osteoarthritis can be difficult for physicians. For this reason, a team of doctors from New York Presbyterian Hospital is developing a new method to test for the condition and determine if patients require a prescription to buy Celebrex.

The physicians have shown that an ultrasound image can detect the type of inflammation in a joint that is associated with arthritis. This may help doctors understand the root cause of their patients' joint discomfort.

Dr. Dimitrios Pappas, who is involved in the development of the technique, said that early diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis is critical. While there is no cure for the disease, it is possible to prevent it from progressing and causing even more damage to the joint. The sooner a person starts treatment, the better their odds are of avoiding permanent damage.

Use of ultrasound imaging may enhance a physician's ability to diagnose the condition and get their patients started on an appropriate treatment. In many cases, a prescription to buy Celebrex is effective at forestalling joint damage.