Doctors often diagnose gastrointestinal symptoms as acid reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional dyspepsia may have similar symptoms, but the variation between the two conditions may mean the difference between a prescription to buy Protonix and getting more intensive testing.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional dyspepsia may have similar symptoms, but the variation between the two conditions may mean the difference between a prescription to buy Protonix and getting more intensive testing.

Yet despite these important differences, many doctors now simply diagnose gastrointestinal symptoms as acid reflux, according to a new study from a team of Mayo Clinic researchers.

The investigators said that over the last 20 years, gastrointestinal symptoms, which may be a sign of either gastroesophageal reflux disease or functional dyspepsia, have been decreasing. Yet, diagnoses of acid reflux have increase. This increase likely means that more cases of dyspepsia are being diagnosed as acid reflux.

This could have important implications. Functional dyspepsia is often caused by indigestion, but it can also be a symptom of the more serious peptic ulcer disease or cancer. Correctly identifying this condition could lead to more testing to pinpoint the cause of the symptoms.

While a prescription to buy Protonix may resolve symptoms of both conditions, it may not address the underlying cause of functional dyspepsia. A proper diagnosis is the key to effectively treating either condition.