Drug company launches new tool to help diabetics avoid hypoglycemia

Most diabetics spend the majority of their time trying to avoid high blood sugar levels, and take medications like a prescription to buy Actos to avoid the problem.

Most diabetics spend the majority of their time trying to avoid high blood sugar levels, and take medications like a prescription to buy Actos to avoid the problem. However, experts say individuals should be just as concerned about hypoglycemia, which can lead to potentially serious complications.

In order to educate more people about the potential dangers of low blood sugar, pharmaceutical company Lilly Diabetes recently launched a public awareness campaign designed to explain what hypoglycemia means to a diabetic and what they can do to avoid the condition.

Representatives said low blood sugar can cause tiredness, shaking, sweating, hunger and a range of other symptoms. If a person does nothing to address the situation they may eventually lose consciousness. This can be very dangerous if the diabetic is driving a car or performing other potentially hazardous tasks.

"This initiative will not only provide needed education, but will also ultimately help facilitate better discussions between pharmacists and people with diabetes that can lead to improved disease management," said Steve Sugino, Lilly Diabetes vice president.