Early diagnosis crucial in treating bipolar disorder, according to experts

Bipolar disorder needs to be diagnosed in children and teens to correctly analyze what kinds of treatments and long-term solutions need to be taken to ensure the highest quality of life possible.

For the most part, it is usually not too difficult to determine if an adult individual needs to buy Geodon to reduce their symptoms of bipolar disorder. However, this condition needs to be diagnosed in children and teens to correctly analyze what kinds of treatments and long-term solutions need to be taken to ensure the highest quality of life possible.

Recently, the Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation's inaugural medical-briefing luncheon took place in Florida, according to The Palm Beach Daily News. During this meeting, several experts in the field of mental health determined that is the best scenario in preventing worsened stages of mania and depression, as well as possible tragedies for patients.

"There was a national study that showed that the average time, from the start of having symptoms to actually getting treatment, was six years. The amount of chaos and bad decisions and dangerous things that can happen in that six years can be life-changing," Dr. Karen Swartz, the clinical-programs director for the Mood Disorders Center at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, explained, according to the source.

Signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder in children and teens
Determining whether or not your child is suffering from bipolar disorder can be difficult, as young people can go through mood swings periodically, especially during puberty. However, it is important to determine if these signs are an indication of the condition, or simply a period of irritability.

According to the National Institutes of Health, youth will often experience extreme highs and lows that are called "." During this time, your child may see a massive increase or decrease in sleep, energy levels, physical activity, and depressive and manic behavior.

Some symptoms for depressive states include losing or gaining a lot of weight, losing interest in school activities they once enjoyed and oversleeping much more than they used to. Periods of mania in youth may be marked by being in a joyful or silly mood that is not usual for your child, jumping from one topic to the next in conversation, having a very short temper and engaging in risky activities.

Be aware that having some of these symptoms every once and awhile does not mean that your child needs to be on Canadian drugs like Geodon. However, if your kid is experiencing these symptoms for one week or more, it may be beneficial for him or her to seek medical attention sooner than later so that their quality of life is restored and they get the treatments they need to balance their mental state.