Effexor can manage symptoms of depression in stroke patients

Effexor can manage depression in stroke patients that are at a heightened risk for the mental condition.

New research by doctors at the Loyola University Medical Center found that close to one-third of stroke patients experience depression in the wake of the cardiovascular event. They also found that depression can also increase the risk of a stroke.

After a stroke, patients tend to showcase mental disorders including anxiety, uncontrollable crying and even hallucinations. However, researchers discovered that the most common mental condition observed in stroke victims is depression. This type of illness is called post-stroke depression and patients can go through stages of varying severity. In some cases, the depressive symptoms may not arise until over two years after the stroke. Also, women are at a greater risk for PSD.

Living alone and change in marital status can raise the chances that a patient will develop PSD. The cause-and-effect relationship between  the two illnesses was highlighted by the researchers as they indicated depression is a risk factor for stroke and vice versa.

The Loyola University doctors stated that effects of PSD can be more severe than other forms of depression and called for physicians to be aggressive in combating the disease. They recommend early treatment be administered in various forms.

Treating depression in stroke patients
The National Institute of
Mental Health says that there are two main ways to treat depression in stroke patients. Typically, patients are prescribed anti-depressant medication and recommended to attend problem-solving therapy. The former includes serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, such as Effexor, and the latter includes various types of talk therapy. 

Both of these treatments can be used simultaneously, as recommended. This is because PSD has the potential to progress into serious forms of depression. Information provided by the NIMH notes that problem-solving therapy can help patients pinpoint issues that adversely affect daily life and contribute to symptoms of depression. 

If signs of depression arise in loved ones that may have had a stroke in the last few years, consult a doctor immediately. Some stroke victims have particular needs or health concerns that will determine their course of treatment. 

Medication may take several weeks to start working, according to the NIMH. However, the source noted that Effexor can help stroke victims combat depression and it can be purchased at an online pharmacy at discounted prices.