Effexor can treat depression that may be linked to heart disease

A recent study conducted at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia explored the possible link between depression symptoms and heart disease.

A recent study conducted at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia explored the possible link between depression symptoms and heart disease. The research focused on 88 different gene expressions in male rats, which scientists hoped would shed light on the connection between the two conditions - a discovery that could help Effexor users.

Researchers divided rats into two groups: socially stressed rats and non-stressed rats. Scientists discovered that stressed rats had more than 35 altered genetic expressions compared to the control group. Inflammation was the most common type of gene alteration the hospital officials recorded.

Further tests were conducted that measured the levels of particular proteins in the rats' brains. The doctors found that the proteins they analyzed were suppressed in the control group while the stressed subset had higher levels of at least one of the proteins studied.

Gene and protein measurements were taken while the rats were resting, just 24 hours after daily regimens of social stress exposure.

Although medical experts have previously speculated that depression and heart disease are linked, the reasons for the connection have long been unknown. However, the authors of this study hope that more research will help them better understand how these conditions are linked to proteins and genes. They said that they will continue to explore the possible connection.

Treating depression in heart disease patients
According to the National Institutes of Health, treating depression can be effective in controlling heart disease. The source also stated that approved antidepressants may help patients to make lifestyle changes necessary for controlling heart conditions.

Features of a heart-healthy lifestyle include eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol and resisting the urge to smoke, the NIH says.

In particular, the source indicated that regular exercise is important for patients suffering from both depression and heart disease, as studies have shown that physical activity can help control symptoms of both conditions.

Various forms of psychotherapy can also help manage the symptoms of depression, NIH experts say. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help patients alter negative thoughts and actions that are known to contribute to depression.

Apart from these treatments, patients who are affected by these illnesses can treat symptoms of depression with the use of pharmaceuticals. Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) is one particular antidepressant class that the NIH says is safe for suppressing depression in heart disease patients.

Effexor is listed by the source as one such drug and it can be purchased for a discounted rate at an online pharmacy.