Effexor users may have difficulties with parenthood

Parenthood is often viewed as a happy experience for most couples. However, recent research has found that those who are suffering from depression by have difficult times raising their children.

Parenthood is often viewed as a happy experience for most couples. However, recent research has found that those who are suffering from depression by have difficult times raising their children. When Effexor users control their symptoms, they may have no cause for concern. However, severe bouts of sadness may lead to problems when it comes to parents making themselves emotionally available to their offspring.

How a parent's depression affects a child
An investigation in this field of study was led by professionals from the University of Exeter. Although past research has found a link between poor parenting and depression, there hasn't been much further information on the subject. Therefore, these investigators wanted to identify specific depressive symptoms that would make parenting difficult.

Based on the data collected, authors of the study were able to identify specific triggers among patients. For instance, a mother or father who is emotionally unavailable to his or her child due to depression is likely to feel shame or guilt when it comes to their parenting role. Another key factor researchers uncovered was issues with memory.

Parents who have a hard time remembering things - a symptom of this mental disorder - may be unsuccessful in setting goals for their kids. As a result, a child's development may suffer. Other issues may come about in the weeks following birth. New mothers are at risk of developing postpartum depression, which can lead to poor interaction with the infant. It's not unheard of for fathers to experience similar feelings.

When these issues lead to infrequent interaction, the baby's brain may not properly develop. As a result, the child may express behavioral issues, which makes parenting increasingly difficult on mom and dad. Researchers also found a number of other depressive symptoms that can cause parents difficulty in raising their kids when looking through a great deal of collected data.

"This work will help identify areas in which future research is necessary in order to develop interventions that will prevent mental health issues from being transmitted from one generation to the next," Dr. Lamprini Psychogiou, author of the study, said in a statement. "We hope that this will go some way toward helping both depressed parents and their children."

Parents or not, individuals who are struggling with feelings of sadness should talk to a medical professional about their symptoms. In many cases, doctors can prescribe Effexor to help treat the issue.