Elderly breast cancer patients may not receive the same quality treatment as younger ones

A prescription to buy Tamoxifen is one of the most effective means for helping women beat breast cancer over the long term. However, new research suggests that many older breast cancer patients may not be receiving this potentially life-saving therapy or other important treatments.

A prescription to buy Tamoxifen is one of the most effective means for helping women beat breast cancer over the long term. However, new research suggests that many older breast cancer patients may not be receiving this potentially life-saving therapy or other important treatments.

Researchers from the Athens University Medical School in Greece found that elderly breast cancer patients are more likely to die from the condition than younger ones. The results of their study showed that death rates are higher, even when accounting for other age-related causes of death.

"This probably means that old women with breast cancer are being under-treated as doctors think they will die from something else," said lead researcher Christos Markopoulos.

In fact, the results showed that elderly breast cancer patients were significantly less likely to receive radiation, chemotherapy and other standard treatments.

Markopoulos said that more needs to be done to ensure that doctors are following treatment protocols for older breast cancer patients as well as younger ones. Therapies for breast cancer have advanced tremendously in recent years and these benefits should be available to all patients.