Elevated blood pressure at 18 could lead to heart disease

Plavix users know that frequently monitoring blood pressure is a crucial component towards preventing heart disease.

Plavix users know that frequently monitoring blood pressure is a crucial component towards preventing heart disease. Researchers have recently found that analyzing blood pressure patterns in people as young as 18 can signal tell tale symptoms of potential heart problems.

Doctors from Northwestern University recently completed a 25-year study that tried to recognize whether for those in their late teens could possibly lead to a higher risk for cardiovascular disease. The study compiled data from 4,681 male and female participants who ranged in age from 18 to 25, following them for years while tracking their blood pressure patterns.

The researchers discovered that by following the subjects' rates of blood pressure from a young age, they were able to accurately identify those who were at higher risks of developing a heart disease. This in turn could help these people pursue a better plan of preventative action that would greatly benefit their long-term heart conditions. The doctors noted that while 42 percent of the participants maintained moderate blood pressure levels throughout the study, 19 percent had consistent elevated rates, and 5 percent of people who began the study with high blood pressure saw their levels continue to increase.

Since blood pressure is generally the last thing on an 18 year old's mind, the researchers were pleased that those who already had poor blood pressure conditions were able to be informed about their shape before something drastic happened, such as a heart attack or blocked coronary arteries.

Norrina Allen, an assistant professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and lead author of the study, stressed the impact of younger people checking their blood pressure before it gets too late. 

"This shows that your blood pressure in can impact your risk for heart disease later in life," Allen said in a statement. "We can't wait until middle age to address it. If we can prevent their blood pressure from increasing earlier in life we can reduce their risk of future heart attacks and stroke."

Preventing heart disease
There are in the U.S. who have high blood pressure, and almost 18 percent develop their condition during their 20s. Here are a few ways you can keep your blood pressure rates low and reduce your chances of heart disease:

  • Eat healthy and avoid foods high in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium
  • Get 30 minutes of physical activity a day
  • Avoid smoking tobacco and secondhand smoke
  • Know if your family has a history of heart disease
  • Schedule routine blood pressure checks with your doctor

If you are worried about being at risk of heart disease, check with your doctor to see if Plavix is the right medication for you. You can buy Plavix at a Canadian online pharmacy.