Employers may want to think about Effexor impact

The way a person feels can impact their performance and personal outlook.

The way a person feels can impact their performance and personal outlook. These elements can be particularly important in regards to workplace productivity and overall business success. Bosses and employers may want to consider how their workers feel both at work and off the clock, since researchers have found that depressive symptoms, especially those that go untreated with medications like Effexor, may be taking a negative toll on a number of workforce statistics.

The American Psychiatric Foundation (APF) recently released a whitepaper about the impact of mental health on employee well being, productivity and a variety of other factors. The source showed that 80 percent of expenses due to productivity loss are incurred by employees present and at their desks, accounting for over $35 billion in annual revenue. Nearly 30 percent of participating workers said their mental health was the direct cause of this inability to perform.

What's more, the APF revealed that employers spend more on workers that fail to report mental health issues and seek attention for them. Many of the problems that put these individuals in the doctor's office are non-physical ailments, but without a thorough investigation, clinicians can't be certain there aren't underlying health problems present as well. This results in expansive healthcare expenses for businesses that could otherwise be curtailed by appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Various secondary impacts
Pharmacy prices are also creating a significant reduction in the number of workers willing to seek comprehensive psychiatric treatment. While using an online pharmacy to fill a prescription could save money, the APF reported that American pharmaceutical outlets aren't as affordable and may not encourage patients to stick to their medication routines.

Harvard Medical School released a study showing that roughly one-fifth of the United States workforce has some kind of depressive syndrome or associated mental illness. Researchers looked at almost 35,000 current workers with about 25 different chronic physical and psychological issues in order to determine how much time and money each of their employers was likely to lose due to their medical conditions.

Of those surveyed, depression carried the most financial repercussions. Findings supported that the way individuals express these conditions in the workplace may vary from those shown in other settings, including hiding their feelings and denying that any problem exists. This can make it harder for employers and primary care physicians to supply helpful treatments and medication, perpetuating a problem that may only be readily apparent otherwise on productivity reports.