Enlarged prostate often occurs alongside metabolic problems

Experts say that any older man who is experiencing urinary problems should talk to their doctor about a prescription to buy Flomax, as the condition may be linked to more serious health problems.

Many men may consider their symptoms of an enlarged prostate to be relatively mild inconveniences in their life. However, experts say that any older man who is experiencing urinary problems should talk to their doctor about a prescription to buy Flomax, as the condition may be linked to more serious health problems.

For example, a team of researchers from San Raffaele Hospital in Italy recently reported in the Korean Journal of Urology that there is a strong connection between an enlarged prostate and metabolic syndrome, a collection of symptoms that include a large waistline, high blood pressure and cholesterol, insulin resistance and elevated blood sugar.

The team wrote in their report that it is not exactly clear why the association between the two exist, but factors associated with metabolic syndrome - namely obesity - have been shown to contribute to urinary symptoms.

This means that, assuming an enlarged prostate is not contributing in a causal manner to the development of metabolic syndrome, the prostate problem may be a warning sign of poor metabolic health. Getting these problems checked out by a doctor and possibly seeking a prescription to buy Flomax may lead to better well-being.