European agency affirms the safety of Actos

In recent years, some experts have expressed concern about providing diabetic patients with a prescription to buy Actos. While the drug is effective at managing blood sugar levels, there has been fear about its side effects.

In recent years, some experts have expressed concern about providing diabetic patients with a prescription to buy Actos. While the drug is effective at managing blood sugar levels, there has been fear about its side effects.

However, the European Medicines Agency recently decided to allow Actos to remain on the market, citing substantial benefits for diabetic patients who have received little benefit from other less serious medications, according to MedPage Today.

The agency did advise that a new warning label be placed on the medication to alert people to the potential risk of side effects, but said that this should be sufficient to handle the possibility of adverse outcomes.

Earlier this year, a study showed that Actos may be linked to a slightly higher risk of bladder cancer. The increased odds of developing tumors following treatment were small, but this evidence prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to put a new warning label on the drug.

Despite these risks, the new decision by the European agency affirms that a prescription to buy Actos may be safe for those who have been appropriately prepared.