Exercise can erase erectile dysfunction

Cialis has done wonders for men who are forced to confront the problem of erectile dysfunction, but sometimes simply making a few lifestyle adjustments can be just as productive.

Cialis has done wonders for men who are forced to confront the problem of erectile dysfunction, but sometimes simply making a few lifestyle adjustments can be just as productive. For those who are struggling with achieving erections, researchers are finding that hitting the gym might be your best bet.

Professors at East Carolina University conducted a study involving that imitated the Western diet that many Americans are accustomed to. This diet generally reflects consuming foods that are high in sugar, fat and calories, and is commonly associated with frequent fast-food dining.

For 12 weeks, the researchers fed rats either a junk-food diet or a healthy standardized rat meal, while half of the rodents in each group were subjected to treadmill intervals. After the 12 weeks, the professors analyzed the rats' erectile function by stimulating the animals' cavernosal nerves, which helps facilitate erections, electrically to help increase penile blood flow. The rats coronary arteries were also studied to reflect the conditions of their heart health.

The rats who consumed the Western diet and did not run on the treadmill had significant developments of erectile dysfunction, as well as thicker coronary arteries. However, those who ate primarily junk-food but also exercised were able to produce erections, and the rats who ate healthy and exercised had no health problems.

The authors were confident that their research could help men with erectile dysfunction understand that a little stimulating activity now and then can go a long way. However, further research is needed to explore whether or not simply exercising while on a fast-food diet can improve functioning. 

"The finding that exercise prevents Western diet-associated erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease progression translates to an throughout the duration of the 'junk food' diet," the authors issued in a press statement. "It remains to be seen if a moderately active lifestyle, or an active lifestyle initiated after a prolonged duration of a sedentary lifestyle combined with a 'junk food' diet is effective at reversing functional impairment."

Helpful exercises
Just because you are exercising occasionally while heavily consuming greasy burgers and fries doesn't excuse your dietary habits. It is always important to eat healthy and stay active, especially if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Some simple exercises that can improve penile blood flow include:

  • Pelvic floor exercises
  • Bicycling
  • Aerobic workouts
  • Walking at least 30 minutes per day

If dieting and exercise isn't showing signs of improving, consult with your physician about a prescription of Cialis. You can also buy Cialis online at any Canadian internet pharmacy.