Exercise could benefit those with schizophrenia

While everyone can use a little physical activity on a weekly basis, researchers have found that those suffering from schizophrenia could benefit and relieve symptoms with frequent exercising.

While everyone can use a little physical activity on a weekly basis, researchers have found that those suffering from schizophrenia could benefit and relieve symptoms with frequent exercising. This can be a big breakthrough for Geodon users and the who deal with the mental illness on a daily basis, looking for a natural way to help curve side effects.

In a study published in the Cochrane Library, professors examined whether or not  to those diagnosed with schizophrenia would have any mental impact on the subjects. The researchers implemented three small studies, where 12 - 16 week exercise programs were provided for the participants, with physical activities including jogging, strength training and even standard practices of yoga.

After the trial periods were over, the professors discovered that the exercises were able to improve the overall mental state of the subjects, especially in areas of depression and anxiety. There were also minor improvements to their physical health, and the specific activity that seemed to relieve mental symptoms the most was yoga.

Guy Faulkner, a professor at the University of Toronto and lead author of the study, was confident that those coping with schizophrenia could greatly benefit by adding a little exercise to their daily routines.    

"Current guidelines for exercise appear to be just as acceptable to in terms of potential physical and mental health benefit," Faulkner said in a statement. "We still need more research that will help us learn how we can get individuals with schizophrenia engaged in exercise programs in the first place, and how such programs can be developed and implemented within mental health services. That's one of the biggest challenges for this type of intervention."

Understanding schizophrenia
Traces and indicators of schizophrenia often begin when a male or female are in their late teens or early twenties. Before considering exercise as a potential provider of mental relief, it's important to understand the signs of the mental illness, so steps toward prevention can be put into motion sooner rather than later. Some common symptoms of schizophrenia include:

  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Strange or irrational thoughts of statements
  • Irritability or sudden hostile reactions
  • Abrupt laughter or crying episodes
  • Lack of personal care or hygiene

If you or someone you know is displaying a combination of these symptoms, schedule a meeting with your doctor immediately, and see if Geodon might be a right move for you or a loved one. You can buy Geodon at a Canadian online pharmacy.