Expert discusses long-term use of Fosamax

Two articles published in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine pointed out that more research needs to be done to determine the proper length of time that a patient should be given a prescription to buy Fosamax. Industry experts agree.

Two articles published in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine pointed out that more research needs to be done to determine the proper length of time that a patient should be given a prescription to buy Fosamax. Industry experts agree.

Robert Recker, the president of the National Osteoporosis Foundation, said that bisphosphonates, the drug class to which Fosamax belongs, have been shown to have major benefits. However, since they are relatively new, optimal treatment length has yet to be established.

"We know that treatment plays an important role in stopping bone loss and preventing broken bones. And we also know that all patients are different and have to be monitored individually to determine the risks and benefits of continued treatment to prevent fractures," Recker said.

He pointed out that some doctors do not provide prescriptions to buy Fosamax to many of their patients due to concerns over the long-term risk of side effects. However, risk-benefit analyses have shown that the chances of experiencing a major complication are small. Therefore, further investigations explaining in greater detail the long-term effects of bisphosphonate use are important.