Expert says people should take steps to avoid arthritis

With rates of arthritis expected to increase significantly in the coming decades, experts are urging individuals to take steps now that could protect their joints later in life.

With rates of arthritis expected to increase significantly in the coming decades, experts are urging individuals to take steps now that could protect their joints later in life. This may help individuals avoid developing a condition that would force them to buy Celebrex.

Dr. Steven Abramson, a rheumatology professor at the New York University Langone Medical Center, said that about one-quarter of all adults are expected to have some type of arthritic condition by 2030. However, there are many things people can do to reduce their risk.

He recommended that people educate themselves about joint disorders, lead physically active lifestyles, work with their doctor to understand their personal risk factors and avoid joint injuries, which could develop into an arthritic condition.

"It’s important for people to understand that - while research continues to make strides in identifying the underlying causes of arthritis - there are many treatments and interventions available to minimize the symptoms and control the progression of the disease," Abramson said.

He added that individuals who currently suffer from arthritis can make major improvements in their condition by working with their doctor to find a treatment that works. This may include a prescription to buy Celebrex.