Finnish team develops new screening method for osteoporosis

Many cases of osteoporosis are not diagnosed until the patient breaks a bone. This is unfortunate given the fact that a prescription to buy Fosamax can help individuals with the condition significantly reduce their fracture risk.

Many cases of osteoporosis are not diagnosed until the patient breaks a bone. This is unfortunate given the fact that a prescription to buy Fosamax can help individuals with the condition significantly reduce their fracture risk.

In order to improve doctors' diagnostic abilities, a team of researchers from the Photonics and Modern Imaging Techniques Research Programme of the Academy of Finland recently developed a new testing procedure that uses lasers to measure bone density.

The new laser-based screening method offers a number of benefits, compared to standard dual-energy X-ray absorpiometry. Most importantly, the procedure is less expensive. Traditional measures of bone density can come with a high price tag, the researchers said. This prevents many individuals who may have risk factors for osteoporosis from ever being screened.

The researchers have completed the new system but have yet to test it on humans, which will be an important hurdle to clear before the screening method can be used by doctors. If it proves effective and comes to be adopted in high numbers, it could save countless individuals from the pain associated with osteoporosis-related fractures.