Former Tennis Star Tells Arthritis Sufferers to get Moving

Many people with osteoarthritis are forced to buy Celebrex in order to cope with their condition, but experts are increasingly saying that adding an exercise regimen to this treatment approach may result in even better outcomes for people with joint pain.

Many people with osteoarthritis are forced to buy Celebrex in order to cope with their condition, but experts are increasingly saying that adding an exercise regimen to this treatment approach may result in even better outcomes for people with joint pain.

Former tennis great and osteoarthritis sufferer Billy Jean King recently joined a public awareness campaign to help get the word out that remaining physically active is one of the best ways to fight to the condition. She said that far too many people with joint pain are unaware of the benefits of regular exercise.

"If you have arthritis, don't think you should become sedentary," she said. "It's just the opposite - think positively and make sure you move. Take a walk in the park, play tennis, or take a hike. Do whatever works for you but keep moving."

It is understandable why so many people become sedentary when they develop arthritis. The condition makes moving the joints painful. However, this discomfort must be overcome in order for individuals to improve their condition. In addition to a prescription to buy Celebrex, physical activity is a vital part of treating osteoarthritis.