Geomagnetic storms might increase stroke risk

For the nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. who have a stroke every year, a new environmental factor could impact the likelihood of these brain attacks.

For the nearly in the U.S. who have a stroke every year, a new environmental factor could impact the likelihood of these brain attacks. New research indicates that a storm could be on the horizons for those at risk of stroke, especially for those who are routinely exposed to rough stretches of weather.

Researchers from Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand have analyzed whether subjection to can actually heighten the possibility of a stroke occurring. After reviewing the records of more than 11,000 patients from six large stroke studies during the years of 1981 and 2004, the professors were able to check the dates of any occurrences of stroke to see if they corresponded with any reported instances of geomagnetic storms.

Using accounts of geomagnetic activity provided by reports from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the researchers were able to conclude that geomagnetic storms were able to increase the risk of stroke by 19 percent. According to the reports, the overall average age of the people who suffered strokes was around 70, but the median age for those who had suffered a stroke during a geomagnetic storm was discovered to be more likely for those under 65.

While over the course of dates where geomagnetic activity was measured yielded mostly relatively calm periods of storm occurrences, the researchers have declared the year 2014 as a "solar maximum" year in which geomagnetic storms could be at an all time high for the planet. The professors indicated that perhaps due to earth's magnetic field shifting during geomagnetic storms, blood pressure could be affected because of the alterations in atmospheric stress. While further research is necessary for determining how exactly these geomagnetic storms can impact stroke, the researchers suggested that there is very little to do in order to predict the storms from occurring in order to avoid them.

Recognizing risk factors for stroke
Understanding what health factors can increase your risk for stroke are the biggest means for prevention. A few ways to tell if you are at a higher likelihood for a brain attack include:

  • If you are over the age of 55
  • If someone in your family has suffered a stroke before
  • If you are African-American who is more than 55 years old
  • If you are a woman who is more than 55 years old

To help reduce the risk of stroke, check with your doctor to see if Quetiapine is the right prescription for you. If you need to purchase medication, you can buy Quetiapine at a Canadian online pharmacy.