German study finds yoga may relieve chronic neck pain

Yoga is undertaken by many people worldwide to help relieve stress, strengthen muscles and enhance blood flow, and is generally considered by many supporters to be good for overall health.

A form of physical exercises that promotes body and mental well-being, yoga is undertaken by many people worldwide to help relieve stress, strengthen muscles and enhance blood flow, and is generally considered by many supporters to be good for overall health. Yoga is also considered an effective treatment for those suffering chronic neck pain, as it frees stress and heightens positive psychological feelings, according to a new study published in The Journal of Pain, a publication of the American Pain Society.

Researchers at the Charite-University Medical Center in Berlin, as well as other centers in Germany and Austria, analyzed roughly 77 patients who volunteered to be placed into two sub groups. The first sample, which ended up finishing the program with 25 volunteers, was enrolled in a lyengar yoga course. A control group that finished with 28 patients participated in exercises on their own. Their progress was charted by the completion of questionnaires.

According to the study's findings, the group participating in lyengar yoga reported a reduction in intense feelings of pain in the neck. The authors noted from the data that this type of yoga may be a safe, clinical treatment option for relieving chronic neck pain, and suggested that this form of exercising may have a positive effect on relaxing and releasing stored muscle tension.

There are many potential health benefits in practicing yoga, as different styles and intensities turn stretching the body into an act of strength and flexibility. Certain positive outcomes may be the result of exercising different postures, including stress reduction, increased fitness and toning of muscles, managing certain chronic health conditions and weight loss, according to the Mayo Clinic. While not for everyone, for those individuals who buy Celebrex to treat osteoarthritis, these type of alternative treatments may be an option to discuss with their doctor.