Green tea may lower cholesterol levels

For individuals with high cholesterol, a prescription to buy Lipitor may be the best way to reduce their chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke. However, there are other lifestyle factors that may also contribute to improved heart health.

For individuals with high cholesterol, a prescription to buy Lipitor may be the best way to reduce their chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke. However, there are other lifestyle factors that may also contribute to improved heart health.

For example, a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showed that individuals who consumed green tea or extracts of the beverage in capsule form experienced improvements in their total cholesterol levels.

Results indicated that those who consumed green tea for three to 24 weeks were able to reduce their cholesterol levels by an average of 5.4 mg/dl.

This is a significant improvement in cholesterol for a person who struggles with heart health risk factors, but it is not ground-breaking. The researchers said that a person who is currently taking Lipitor or other statin medications to control their cholesterol should not stop in favor of green tea or supplements.

The real benefits of green tea for cholesterol may come as a complementary medicine for individuals who still have trouble regulating their heart health, even while on medications.