Group calls for collaborative efforts to increase exercise among arthritis patients

In order to help people with arthritis get more exercise, the Arthritis Foundation is calling on groups across the country to make more options for activity available to older adults

In order to help people with arthritis get more exercise, the Arthritis Foundation is calling on groups across the country to make more options for activity available to older adults. In addition to a prescription to buy Celebrex, exercise is one of the best ways to manage the pain of arthritis.

In a new report titled Environmental and Policy Strategies to Increase Physical Activity Among Adults with Arthritis, the Foundation states that recreation facilities, businesses and health agencies should look for ways to help arthritic individuals get more exercise. The effort involves raising awareness of the importance of physical activity.

"Effectively educating people about the important role of physical activity in managing arthritis is an urgent task," said arthritis foundation CEO and president John Klippel. "This report will lead to greater collaboration with our colleagues across a number of professions to make physical activity safe and accessible for adults with the condition."

He added that arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the U.S., which underscores the importance of finding ways to support the health of individuals with the condition. Encouraging more physical activity may be one way to improve self-management.