Group releases guide to heart healthy airports

The holiday season is one of the busiest travel times of the year, which means that many people will be spending long hours in airports.

The holiday season is one of the busiest travel times of the year, which means that many people will be spending long hours in airports. Given the food options available at many airports, this may have significant implications for individuals who buy Lipitor to control their high cholesterol.

In order to steer weary travelers in the right direction, the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine recently released its list of the heart-healthiest airports in the U.S. This year, Detroit's Metro Airport earned the top spot.

Overall, many airports rated relatively highly for providing options that are low in saturated fat and for offering vegetarian dishes. In fact, 83 percent of the airports examined had restaurants that offered at least one vegetarian meal.

However, the report did point out that Denver International and Los Angeles International scaled back their heart-healthy offerings this year.

Regardless of circumstances, it is important for individuals who buy Lipitor to lower their cholesterol to seek out low-fat options. Even just a couple meals can have lasting effects. The new airport guide could help holiday travelers plan what they will eat while they are on the road.