Groups team up to educate consumers on the warning signs of fraudulent Canadian internet pharmacies

The majority of Canadian internet pharmacies are a valuable resource for individuals to get discounted medications. However, some are disreputable and provide unsafe counterfeit drugs.

The majority of Canadian internet pharmacies are a valuable resource for individuals to get discounted medications. However, some are disreputable and provide unsafe counterfeit drugs.

In order to help individuals learn the difference between legitimate online pharmacies and rogue operations, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer recently teamed up with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy to provide consumer education.

Officials from the board said there are two primary ways individuals can spot fraudulent operations. The first - and most obvious - is whether or not the website asks for a prescription. Counterfeiters rarely require one, while it is necessary to obtain medications from legitimate pharmacies. Second, if a price or service seems too good to be true, it probably is.

"Counterfeiters who sell fake medicines online prey on ingrained online buying behavior, in which consumers disregard warning signs, and prioritize price and convenience," said Carmen Catizone, executive director of the board.

When buying medications from a Canadian internet pharmacy, it is important to verify that the operation is legitimate by checking for these warning signs.