Harvard professor recommends Fosamax and Actonel for osteoporosis

A syndicated health advice columnist was recently asked whether or not it is wise to buy Fosamax or buy Actonel to treat osteoporosis.

A syndicated health advice columnist was recently asked whether or not it is wise to buy Fosamax or buy Actonel to treat osteoporosis.

"These is no doubt that these drugs work. They slow and even reverse the thinning of bones. They reduce the risk of hip fractures by 50 percent or more. The question is, how long to stay on them," wrote Dr. Anthony Komaroff, in reply to a reader's query.

He added that in order to avoid potential side effects such as heartburn, abdominal problems, and rare types of bone fractures, patients should consider ceasing the drugs after five years. That is, unless they're at high risk for a hip fracture involving the thigh bone or a breakage in the vertebrae, in which case they should continue using the medications.    

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, white female post-menopausal women who don't consume enough calcium are the most at risk of developing this bone degenerative disease. However, all ages and genders can be affected by osteoporosis.