Heart attack patients with few cardiovascular risk factors may need extra medical attention

Doctors may assume individuals who suffer their first heart attack and have few traditional cardiovascular risk factors will make a full recovery. This may make the physician less likely to provide the patient with a prescription to buy Plavix.

Doctors may assume individuals who suffer their first heart attack and have few traditional cardiovascular risk factors will make a full recovery. This may make the physician less likely to provide the patient with a prescription to buy Plavix. However, a new study has shown that the chances of these patients recovering are not as good as one would assume.

A team of researchers from Watson Clinic in Florida found that heart attack patients with no risk factors for heart disease are actually more than four times as likely to die while hospitalized than heart attack patients with five common risk factors (high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol, family history of heart disease, diabetes and tobacco use).

The researchers said their findings should be cause for physicians to reexamine the manner in which they assess subsequent cardiovascular risk in patients who have suffered a heart attack. More attention and possibly a prescription to buy Paxil may be needed by those with few recognizable risk factors.

Still, the team said their findings could not determine why heart attack patients with few cardiovascular risk factors die at higher rates. This suggests that further research may be needed.