Heart medication may have impact on mental health

Statins, a class of medicine used to treat high cholesterol, are sometimes used for purposes other than to boost cardiovascular health.

Statins, a class of medicine used to treat high cholesterol, are sometimes used for purposes other than to boost cardiovascular health. Since the human body is an interconnected system, with the fitness of each individual tissue relying on the integrity and performance of all the others, it makes sense that curing one problem would help solve another, and researchers at the Department of Medicine at the University of Utah have found that some medicines within the statin group can help reduce the impact of other ailments.

A scientific study on a statin called lovastatin in malaria patients revealed that brain inflammation and mental side effects of the disease are reduced when given statin after diagnosis. This could be a major breakthrough for those living in mosquito-ridden regions, as these primary carriers of the illness could pass it along to anyone at any time.

"The molecular mechanisms that give rise to cerebral malaria and subsequent cognitive dysfunction are not yet know," said Guy Zimmerman, co-author of the malaria study. "The fact that statin treatment decreases both injurious blood vessel inflammation and cognitive dysfunction suggests that a combination of vascular and inflammatory triggers leads to cerebral pathology and intellectual deficits."

Looking into an online pharmacy for Lovastatin and other statin availability can help people obtain these pills more easily, providing a less expensive way of filling a prescription provided by a registered clinician. This research shows it could be vital to ongoing mental health and integrity of brain tissue, and since other treatments can be expensive and physically taxing, the convenience of medication delivered to the front door may be a big help..

A broad-reaching mental possibility
Statins have been found useful in preventing other degenerative illnesses of the brain, such as dementia and Alzheimer's. Previous studies have linked these cholesterol-lowering drugs to mental effects in the past, even prompting the FDA to update its official information about the side effects and impacts of this class of medications. The agency wrote that there was some association between statin usage and memory loss, but that trials and studies regarding this connection were not substantial enough to limit its use.

A study by the University of California, San Diego, stated that there was a possibility that statin use could increase serotonin levels in the brain. As serotonin is the chemical responsible for regulating mood and emotions, it's possible that future research may show statin could have even more benefits for those with certain mental illnesses. Finding new uses for existing medications can help make these drugs more accessible through a local or online pharmacy, so that proper treatment can be administered.