Heart patients should exercise caution this holiday, expert warns

Individuals who buy Plavix to reduce their risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke may want to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with caution. Experts say that over-eating and drinking can lead to major cardiovascular complications.

Individuals who buy Plavix to reduce their risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke may want to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with caution. Experts say that over-eating and drinking can lead to major cardiovascular complications.

Dr. Richard Cambria, the chief of vascular surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital and president of the Society for Vascular Surgery, told the Boston Globe that there is actually a condition known as holiday heart syndrome. It is characterized by an irregular heart beat and is thought to be brought on by a combination of excessive alcohol and sodium consumption.

An irregular heart beat can increase the risk of stroke. This may have serious consequences for a person who is already taking medications to reduce their chances of this cardiovascular complication. However, Cambria told the news source that holiday heart syndrome can even impact individuals with perfectly normal cardiovascular health.

A 1996 study published in the German journal Herz indicated that rates of stroke tend to be higher during the time between Thanksgiving and New Year, and suggested that holiday heart syndrome may be to blame for the correlation.