Heartburn can be a serious health problem

Heartburn is often dismissed as a minor inconvenience in life. While no one wants to experience it, acid reflux is not considered a serious condition like cancer or heart disease.

Heartburn is often dismissed as a minor inconvenience in life. While no one wants to experience it, acid reflux is not considered a serious condition like cancer or heart disease. However, what many do not know is that heartburn can cause damage that increases the risk of serious health problems unless it is treated with a prescription to buy Nexium.

Dr. Timothy Pfanner, a professor of internal medicine at Texas A&M University, told Fox News that untreated heartburn often progresses to a condition known as Barrett's esophagus. This disorder is a common precursor to throat cancer.

He told the news source that individuals should be on the lookout for symptoms of heartburn and talk to their doctor at the first sign of a problem. A burning sensation in the throat is the most obvious symptom, but the condition may have other effects.

Chest pain, pain after eating, a bitter taste in the mouth, hoarseness and a sore throat are all common symptoms of heartburn.

Despite the serious consequences of allowing heartburn to go untreated, the Mayo Clinic states that there are many medications that can relieve the symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.