Heartburn may be warning sign of serious health problems

Many people suffer from heartburn, but simply dismiss their symptoms as a minor inconvenience in life. However, experts say that allowing frequent indigestion to go untreated may lead to serious consequences. A prescription to buy Nexium is often enough to completely overcome the condition.

Many people suffer from heartburn, but simply dismiss their symptoms as a minor inconvenience in life. However, experts say that allowing frequent indigestion to go untreated may lead to serious consequences. A prescription to buy Nexium is often enough to completely overcome the condition.

Dr. Michael Pawlowsky, a physician at Pottstown Memorial Medical Center, recently wrote in the Mercury that frequent heartburn may indicate that an individual has a problem in the gallbladder. This organ stores much of the body's digestive fluids, but health problems occur when the ducts that carry these fluids to other organs get blocked, often causing indigestion.

An obstruction in a bile duct can lead to a number of serious health problems, and heartburn is generally an early warning sign of potential issues in the organ. This is why seeking treatment for indigestion can be important to an individual's overall health.

If gallbladder complications are not the primary cause of frequent heartburn, the Mayo Clinic states that a person may benefit from dietary changes in addition to a prescription to buy Nexium. Eating fewer spicy foods and drinking less alcohol can help keep stomach acid low.