High blood sugar increases cardiovascular risk

Individuals who have slightly elevated blood sugar levels may benefit from speaking to their doctor about whether or not they have any cardiovascular risk factors that may require a prescription to buy Paxil.

Individuals who have slightly elevated blood sugar levels may benefit from speaking to their doctor about whether or not they have any cardiovascular risk factors that may require a prescription to buy Paxil. New research suggests that high glucose can contribute to heart damage.

Heart disease is known to be much more common among diabetics than in the general public. However, the new findings suggest that a person doesn't need to have glucose levels that classify them as diabetic to be affected. Even slight elevations can lead to heart damage.

For the study, the researchers administered HbA1c tests to nearly 1,000 participants. This screening measures long-term control of blood sugar. Next, the team checked individuals' blood for a protein known as troponin T, which is considered a marker of cardiovascular damage.

The results showed that moderate elevations in glucose levels were associated with much greater odds of having troponin T in the blood. The presence of this protein is known to indicate a high risk of heart attack.

The researchers said their findings could provide a new understanding of how high blood sugar affects the heart, which could lead to new tests and treatments.