High-salt diets may increase cardiovascular risks for diabetics

Januvia users should think twice before shaking that salt shaker over their meal.

Januvia users should think twice before shaking that salt shaker over their meal. While over usage of salt is becoming a national health epidemic, a recent study has indicated that diabetics who are using the mineral to enhance their food flavors aren't doing their hearts any favors.

Japanese researchers dug deeper into this issue by reaching out to to answer a survey regarding their diet, specifically sodium intake. Over the course of eight years, The colleagues continued to track the participants health, specifically checking any accounts of cardiovascular complications with the subjects.

The participants were divided into four groups that were based on their sodium intake. After reviewing the results of the survey, the researchers discovered that those who were consuming an average of 5.9 grams of sodium every day were doubling their risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who were eating 2.8 grams of sodium daily. It was also reported that individuals with Type 2 diabetes who are eating diets high in salt faced twice the risk of enduring heart complications.

Dr. Chika Horikawa, a professor at the University of Niigata Prefecture in Japan and a lead author of the study, urged diabetics to consider the team's research as a wake up call for those who are still consuming too much sodium in their diet.

"The study's findings provide clear scientific evidence supporting to reduce the rate of heart disease among people with diabetes," Horikawa said in a statement. "To reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, it is important for people who have Type 2 diabetes to improve their blood sugar control as well as watch their diet. Our findings demonstrate that restricting salt in the diet could help prevent dangerous complications from diabetes."

Other health implications of salt
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of the sodium in our bodies is consumed through salt. They also state that 77 percent of that salt intake is comes directly from restaurants or processed foods. Current health guidelines state that you should be consuming no more than per day. When you consider that one burger from any fast food chain typically contains around 1,000 milligrams alone, it's easy to see how quick sodium can add up. Eliminating fast food is one simple way to eliminate excess sodium getting into your body, and some other excellent solutions for reducing sodium from your diet include:

  • always reading the nutrition labels on food you purchase.
  • look for "sodium-free" on packed foods.
  • substitute salt for salt-free mineral choices.
  • try to avoid microwavable or instant foods.
  • eat fresh produce typically has little to no sodium.

Cutting down on the salt is hugely beneficial for diabetics, just as taking Januvia is for helping control symptoms. Whenever you notice your prescription running low, remember to use a Canadian online pharmacy to buy Januvia and get you back to feeling 100 percent.