Holiday heartburn is a common problem

With large, rich meals playing such a central role in many holiday celebrations, heartburn has become a similarly prevalent feature of this time of year. Many individuals may end up thinking they require a prescription to buy Prevacid.

With large, rich meals playing such a central role in many holiday celebrations, heartburn has become a similarly prevalent feature of this time of year. Many individuals may end up thinking they require a prescription to buy Prevacid. This is one useful way to solve the problem, but other approaches may be just as effective.

First of all, Dr. Manny Alvarez recently wrote for Fox News that simply eating smaller portions at dinner can help reduce the risk of heartburn. However, this may not be a viable option for many people. Therefore, he recommends other approaches.

Staying away from fried food tops the list. Spicy and acidic foods can be similarly dangerous. Drinks like coffee, soda and alcohol are also common sources of heartburn during the holidays. Avoiding these foods to the best of one's ability may significantly reduce the chances that one will suffer from heartburn.

Still, if the problem persists even after having stopped eating these foods, an individual may want to talk to their doctor about a prescription to buy Prevacid. This medication can limit the production of stomach acid, which is often one of the primary causes of heartburn that can be influenced by food.