Holistic therapy, ovulation app help Clomid users

Holistic approaches to the task of increasing fertility are becoming more widespread and have been showcasing successful results recently.

The female fertility drug Clomid is a trusted product that helps women boost their chances of conception. For many women who want to start a family but are challenged with low fertility, Clomid is sometimes an effective solution. However, taking the pill is hardly the only thing women can do to boost their chances of having a child.

Holistic treatments that help manage stress levels are also helpful according to the Mayo Clinic.

Fertility retreat in California
One company, Gen-Touch Massage and Holistic Therapy is a healthcare provider championing nontraditional medicine.

Gen-Touch owner, Genevieve Siegel said there are many factors that contribute to low fertility rates in women, including heightened levels of stress.

"Research has shown that stress can be a primary reason for as many as 25 percent of the infertility cases reported," she stated.

Part of the retreat will explore ways to manage stress levels, however, there are many known ways in which women trying to conceive a child can alleviate it. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are two types of stress: acute stress and chronic stress. Both can be barriers to conception.

Although the source does say that a certain level a stress is healthy for the human body, too much of the chronic form can lead to health problems such as headaches and insomnia.

The Mayo Clinic maintains that identifying the source of stress is the first step in addressing its pitfalls. Make a list of about 10 issues or events that are happening such as the death of a loved one, a new job or a recent argument. Doing this will immediately pinpoint the source of stress. Then, formulating a plan to manage those sources or cut them out completely should result in less stress.

Some of the biggest external sources that cause stress are major life changes, environment and family.

App to aid conception
In other news on the fertility front that could help Clomid users is the development of a new iPhone app that monitors ovulation.

Fairhaven Health recently came out with the mobile version of its popular OvaGraph charting tool. With an easy-to-navigate interface, women can store all data relating to their menstrual cycle, which will help them chart the best times for intercourse that will increase the chance of conception.

Another feature of the app is that it will be connected to OvaGraph's community of women to offer advice and share experiences regarding attempts to conceive.

These tools are great complements to Clomid, which can be purchased at a low price at a Canadian online pharmacy.