Hormone production linked to miscarriage rate

Many couples struggle with fertility, with either partner being responsible for providing insufficient gametes to make reproduction possible.

Many couples struggle with fertility, whether the issue lies in the male, female or both.There are a number of medications that can help these people start a family, such as Clomid, which encourages the release of specific hormones that trigger ovulation.

Doctors should carefully monitor women on these medications to ensure that their blood and hormone levels are appropriate, as sometimes overproduction of certain elements can result in the loss of pregnancy but still may appear to have the same kind of ovulation issues related to lack of proper hormone response.Researchers at the Clinical Sciences Research Laboratories at University Hospital, Coventry, looked at women with persistent miscarriages to find if there was any connection between the loss and certain factors occurring elsewhere in the body.

They found that, in those with inappropriate levels of cytokine, the likelihood of losing a baby was much higher. The study revealed that overproduction of this hormone caused inflammation in the uterus, resulting in poor conditions for an embryo to attach to the uterine wall, and often times losing the pregnancy. While these women may still present symptoms similar to those with reduced hormone production on all other levels, blood tests will show clinicians where the imbalance resulting in infertility is actually taking place.

A variable outcome
Advanced Fertility wrote that the rate of success for women using Clomid during their first cycle after starting the drug is about one-third. Love To Know agreed with that figure but acknowledged that rates tend to vary depending on the mother's age and physical health, as well as that of her partner. While Clomid may excite more regular ovulation and increase fertility windows from what they might have been previously, this medication can't regulate other symptoms existing in either party apart from certain hormone levels in a woman's body.

As researchers at the Clinical Sciences Laboratory reported, when fertile periods last for too long or too short a time, it can mean that a couple is incapable of getting pregnant. Clomid can make a significant difference in the chances of a woman without enough hormone secretion being receptive during a more substantial amount of time each month, encouraging a better likelihood of conception. Ensuring that these hormone levels remain safe and stable, though, will require careful monitoring of medication and blood contents so mother and baby remain healthy.