IUDs proven safe and effective for emergency contraception

A prescription to buy Mirena may serve as an effective form of emergency contraception, as a new study has shown that intrauterine devices, or IUDs, are effective at preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex and also provides long-term protection.

A prescription to buy Mirena may serve as an effective form of emergency contraception, as a new study has shown that intrauterine devices, or IUDs, are effective at preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex and also provides long-term protection.

Researchers from Princeton University analyzed data from 35 years worth of research into the use of IUDs for emergency contraception. The cumulative results generated from the 42 studies examined showed that IUDs prevent pregnancy following unprotected sex 99.8 percent of the time.

The researchers wrote in their report that the findings show that IUDs may have some advantage over other forms of emergency contraception. There are a number of pills that women can take to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex, but these medications do not function as lasting contraception. IUDs can be put in place and left for extended periods of time, providing ongoing protection.

This suggests that IUDs may be among the most cost-effective forms of emergency contraception, the researchers concluded. Given that the devices are safe for the majority of women, it may be time to expand the role of IUDs.