Identical twin study reveals more clues about Type 2 diabetes

The world of diabetes research is constantly shifting and advancing in an effort to one day possess the ability to alleviate all symptoms of this troubling disease.

The world of diabetes research is constantly shifting and advancing in an effort to one day possess the ability to alleviate all symptoms of this troubling disease. While medications such as Januvia continue to be the ultimate source of treatment for diabetics, continuous funding and research is still needed to extend the pursuit of eliminating this wide-reaching epidemic. One study has even analyzing how identical twins could provide new answers for treating diabetes.

The study 
Researchers from Lund University in Sweden conducted a study that examined how could provide clues about the development of Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes, specifically within identical twins, tends to involve one twin having the disease while the other doesn't. This study looked at 14 sets of identical twins. Each set included one twin with Type 2 diabetes. The other twin in each set remained healthy. Scientists then analyzed their DNA to compare the development of diabetes within the twins as well as non-twin diabetics.

One key component of the study was analyzing fat tissue, specifically how alterations of DNA could influence fat tissue in the development of Type 2 diabetes. The researchers then evaluated more than 480,000 points of DNA so that they could help see how fat and glucose metabolism were impacted by the twins who had Type 2 diabetes. What the colleagues found surprising was that identical twins, who are believed to share the same set of DNA, had significant differences in their genes and DNA sequences when one of them had Type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Emma Nilsson, a researcher at Lund University and lead contributor in the study, explained how further examination of the differences in DNA between the diabetic and non-diabetic twins could shed light on the development of Type 2 diabetes in general.

"Non-identical twins generally share and it is usually said that identical twins share 100 percent of theirs," Nilsson said in a statement. "Despite this, we found 1 400 places on the identical twins' DNA where there was a difference in DNA methylation between the diabetic and the non-diabetic. It is believed that these differences are due to differences in lifestyle and this confirms the theory that type 2 diabetes is strongly linked to lifestyle."

Changing your lifestyle for the better
While the study helped researchers uncover questions regarding the development of diabetes, they still alluded to certain habits and characteristics being common factors in the development of the disease. Everything from your diet, activities and medication can become primary indicators to whether you're increasing your risk of diabetes.

If you're a diabetic and rarely eating healthy or receiving physical activity, the time to make a change is now. It takes baby steps when making appropriate lifestyle changes, so no one expects incredible results within weeks. Start out by making subtle alterations to your daily routine, such as taking the stairs instead of an elevator or walking to the store in lieu of driving.

Losing weight is one of the primary ways to help treat your diabetes symptoms. Start out by setting a reasonable goal for yourself, such as a shedding a pound a week. Getting 30 minutes of exercise five times a week in addition to adhering to a well-balanced diet should get you on pace to achieve your goal over time. 

As for treatment, a prescription to Januvia is a trusted medication for helping alleviate symptoms of diabetes. Using a Canadian online pharmacy is a great resource for whenever you need to buy Januvia.