Important news for Clomid users who may want to purchase breast milk

Many women who are struggling to become pregnant turn to fertility drugs such as Clomid for assistance.

Many women who are struggling to become pregnant turn to fertility drugs such as Clomid for assistance. Once a happy couple receives news that their efforts have been successful and they are pregnant, the two are lucky enough to become parents. A major part of motherhood for females is breast feeding, as this is a great way for mother and child to connect with one another. However, women who have experienced fertility issues may not be able to produce milk for their children.

When this happens, there are a few options the parents have. Of course, mom and dad can decide to turn to formula for feeding sessions. Another course of action that has become more popular as of late is purchasing breast milk online. There are different websites that provide parents with a resource for finding a product that has been sold or donated for feeding other children. However, recent research has found that online milk may not be safe for the infants who are consuming it.

Bacteria in breast milk
Researchers from Nationwide Children's Hospital wanted to find out whether or not human milk being purchased online was contaminated or not, and if so, what risks a baby could have from it. Samples were purchased from a number of popular U.S. "milk-sharing" websites. These were then mailed to a post office box in Ohio. Lastly, the unpasteurized milk products that had been donated to a milk bank were collected and compared to those which had been purchased.

"We found , either with high levels of bacteria, or certain disease-causing bacteria, like the kind found in human waste," researcher Sarah Keim said, according to LiveScience.

It was found that the Internet milk contained high bacterial growth and contamination from pathogenic microbes. This indicated to researchers that it was not properly collected, stored or shipped. The infants who consume these products are at risk of requiring lactation support services and they may cause further issues with the mother-child bonding that is often associated with breastfeeding. Children who were born preterm or otherwise medically compromised are at a greater risk for experiencing negative impacts from breast milk bought online.

"There's also the possibility that milk has been watered down or mixed with cow milk, which is not healthy for the infant," Keim warned the source.

So, former Clomid users who are unable to breastfeed may want to rethink the option of purchasing milk from the Internet. This can be expensive, as well as dangerous to the child's health.