Individuals with coronary heart disease fare worse if they are depressed

A recent review of 10 years of literature by Italian researchers from various universities suggests that adults with coronary heart disease and depression may benefit from treatments like Effexor to manage depression symptoms and improve their quality of life.

A recent review of 10 years of literature by Italian researchers from various universities suggests that adults with coronary heart disease and depression may benefit from treatments like Effexor to manage depression symptoms and improve their quality of life.

The literature review, published in the July 2013 edition of Frontiers in Psychology for Clinical Settings, covers five studies published between 2002 and 2012. Researchers found that among patients with coronary heart disease, those with psychosocial risk factors like depression and low social or marital support are more likely to have higher rates of morbidity and mortality than those who are not affected by these risk factors.

The study's authors recommended that cardiac prevention and rehab programs should assess the social and familial context of patients - whether they are impoverished and whether they have a spouse or other family members to care for them. They also suggested building in a structure of assessment, support and treatment for depression in cardiac patients.

Coronary heart disease
This serious medical condition occurs when hardened plaque lines the arteries, restricting blood flow to the heart. CHD can lead to angina, blood clots, arrhythmias, heart attacks or heart failure. CHD is common today and is caused by an unhealthy diet rich in cholesterol and fats, smoking, diabetes or insulin resistance - which can cause elevated blood sugar - and high blood pressure.

Whether people develop depression after learning they have CHD or were already depressed, CHD can be scary and also necessitate serious life changes. This can make it extra difficult to manage for people who are impoverished or who lack social support.

Managing depression and CHD
Often, dosage levels of depression medications or new drugs must be tried before a patient finds one that works best for her or him. Another recent study, published in Annals of Family Medicine in February 2012 by researchers at the University of Washington and the MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation, found that for patients with comorbid depression, diabetes and CHD, treatment adjustments by primary care physicians and helping patients learn to self-monitor were related to each disease.

It's best to consult with your physician when trying a new medication, but if you have CHD and your physician prescribes Effexor to manage your symptoms, you can order it from an online pharmacy at a reduced rate.