Knowing the early warning signs of arthritis is key to effective treatment

Many people may dismiss minor aches and pains in their joints as a simple part of the aging process.

Many people may dismiss minor aches and pains in their joints as a simple part of the aging process. However, recognizing these symptoms as early warning signs of osteoarthritis may increase the odds that a person will be diagnosed with the condition and receive a prescription to buy Celebrex, which may help further delay the onset of the condition.

The Mayo Clinic states that tender, warm and swollen joints are among the first warning signs of an arthritic condition. Morning stiffness that lasts throughout the day, fever, fatigue and weight loss are other common early symptoms.

Once a person recognizes these ailments they should talk to their doctor as soon as possible. Like most health conditions, the sooner arthritis is treated, the better the treatment outcomes. A prescription to buy Celebrex may even prevent the condition from progressing to an advanced stage.

However, if it is left untreated, arthritis will continue to wear away the cartilage between the joints. Once this material has been depleted there is almost no effective treatment for arthritis beyond joint replacement. This is why it is important for individuals to recognize the early warning signs of the condition.