Lipitor and exercise may be best remedy for stroke

The American Heart Association has designated May as American Stroke Month, dedicating 31 days toward helping Lipitor users continue to discover new sources of stroke prevention.

The American Heart Association has designated May as American Stroke Month, dedicating 31 days toward helping Lipitor users continue to discover new sources of stroke prevention. Recent studies have found that exercising is one of the best ways to offset stroke symptoms, along with prescribed medication.

Researchers from the University of Kansas have proposed frequent as a key component to progressing post-stroke treatment. The doctors alluded to the fact that many post-stroke survivors eliminate exercise from their lifestyle because they feel their physical abilities have deteriorated since the episode, often leading to increased inactiveness.

There are several factors that can hinder post-stroke individuals overall physical capabilities that range from corporeal strength to emotional sensitivity. Some of these factors can include:

  • Frequent fatigue
  • Severity of stroke
  • Motivation
  • Depression
  • Decreased social activity

The researchers provided a number of ways to help increase the quality of post-stroke treatment for individuals who are not receiving adequate amounts of physical activity. They advised that long periods of bed rest might not be sufficient for recent stroke sufferers, and remaining mobile a few days after an episode could help increase muscle and nerve coordination within the body. The doctors also emphasized that physical rehabilitation programs should be required for stroke treatment, with training courses made available to stroke patients to help improve their aerobic exercise, strength training and balance.

Dr. Sandra A. Billinger, a physical therapist at the University of Kansas and lead author of the study, felt that exercise after suffering a stroke will not only help overall physical ability, but improve emotional conditions as well.

"There is strong evidence that and exercise after stroke can improve cardiovascular fitness, walking ability and upper arm strength," Billinger said in a statement. "In addition, emerging research suggests exercise may improve depressive symptoms, cognitive function, memory and quality of life after stroke."

Best sources of exercise
The American Heart Association recommends that stroke survivors should strive for exercising around three days of week, with sessions ranging anywhere from 20-60 minutes. Low impact exercises such as stationary cycling, swimming and walking are great sources of physical activity that can help get individuals back on the right path.

Lipitor is another way to help post-stroke victims receive the help they need. If you recently ran out of your prescription, you can always buy Lipitor at a Canadian internet pharmacy.