Long periods of sitting may be metabolic risk factor for women

Women who spend too much time sitting may be more likely to develop diabetes, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Women who spend too much time sitting may be more likely to develop diabetes, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. The findings suggest that many individuals whose jobs force them into sedentary lifestyles may end up requiring a prescription to buy Actos.

For the study, researchers from the University of Leicester in the UK collected data from more than 500 men and women. The results showed a strong correlation between sitting for long periods and markers of diabetes risk, such as insulin resistance and inflammation, in women. However, the same association was not seen in men.

What's more, the findings indicated that women who sat for long periods of time were more likely to develop diabetes even if they exercised on a regular basis.

"[The study] therefore suggests that enabling women to spend less time sitting may be an important factor in preventing chronic disease," said lead researcher Thomas Yates.

The investigation is not the first to uncover an association between sedentary lifestyles and chronic disease risk factors. Numerous studies have come to similar conclusions. Finding ways to increase daily activity may be important for helping women avoid requiring a prescription to buy Actos.